Ocx setup.exe activex ip wanscam
Ocx setup.exe activex ip wanscam

What is needed here, is the name of an access point (typically your wi-fi router). When this is done, the wireless settings can be accessed from the Administrator section and that's where a first very common error is made: Many beginners enter an arbitrary name in the SSID field, thinking it will identify the camera on the network. The step that nobody has problem with (usually) is connecting the camera to the network with the Ethernet cable. This is based on a Foscam camera but can certainly be used with other wireless cameras. I'll try to second the network settings chapter in the (even though a true geek never reads the manual) to help passing the blocking points of the wi-fi setup procedure. The information in this post may seem very basic to people who have a wireless IP camera for some time, but, we all tend to forget how confusing and frustrating our first steps may have been setting up these gadgets the very first time.

Ocx setup.exe activex ip wanscam