Merchants walk cinema
Merchants walk cinema

merchants walk cinema

Please tell us what you like and dislike about this area: There are some resident events put on by the building’s management but there are more for families and I am not really interested in them. My flatmates and I now have fans in our rooms. We are able to open our windows but there is a security feature in place, which means we can’t open them all the way. It can get very hot in the morning, above 25° especially in the summer. We have put a chair and a small table on it and it’s nice to use during the summer as at least 7-10 people can fit on it. I do also have a spacious balcony, which leads out from the living room. We live in a furnished apartment but have been able to personalise our flat through adding in various home accessories.

merchants walk cinema

We also have two bathrooms, which is a luxury. The other is a bit smaller, but I don’t mind. Inside we have three bedrooms, and two are very large. It is a very spacious and bright flat with lovely big windows with a view towards East London.

merchants walk cinema

My flat itself looks very clean and modern with all the appliances up to date because the building is new. The height of the buildings could have been better thought out as people living on one side don’t get a great view. The building of the development has been well thought. We do also have a garden on the site, which is a nice touch, but I don’t not use it that much, but it is well-kept with lots of nice trees and flowers and it’s a nice place for children to play in. There is a lock on the front door and an additional one past the foyer. I’m not sure if we have any CCTV cameras but I have never had any issues with safety in the development. We do have a concierge service, which is useful to have, who are open 4 days a week and they collect our packages. They were quite responsive when I had a leaking window and came to fix it very quickly.

merchants walk cinema

They are usually fixed if you flag it quickly, so I am quite happy with the management on the site. It was quite smooth moving in, there were a couple of issues but nothing too bad.

Merchants walk cinema